xirrus simulation

since 2001

xirrus GmbH
simulates your complex problem based on particles

Since 2001 we transfer our natural scientific knowledge to complex problems in software development. Since 2004 we offer simulations as a service for all those, who do not own the capacity or don’t have access to in-house resources for Molecular Dynamics and other particle problems (communication networks, traffic flow, congestion phenomenon) or many more other individuals or actor systems simulations.

Benefits with xirrus
  • Security: gain relevant insight without taking risks of reality.
  • Verify: better understand and verify what experimentally stayed unclear.
  • Time is money: educated experts challenge your problems instead of fresh starters in the field.
  • Safe money: cost reductions by comprehensible results, software and simulation knowledge transfers. Ask us on short notice. info@nullxirrus.ch

xirrus GmbH
Buchzelgstrasse 36
8053 Zürich

contact person
Dr. sc. nat.
Lukas Schuler
phone: 044 741 01 74
e-Mail: info@nullxirrus.ch
Web: http://www.xirrus.ch